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Report - - Buckminster ROC post - Leicestershire Group - 30/1/08 | ROC Posts |

Report - Buckminster ROC post - Leicestershire Group - 30/1/08

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Second port of call today.
The site looked in very good condition. Hatch was locked, and as I have not yet mastered the intricacies of the Torklift keys, I just took a couple of pics of the surface.



The site gate was open when I arrived. I tried to close it, but had a bit of a struggle with the hawthorn that had blocked it. I didnt want to attract too much attention from the passing traffic, so left it as is. I will pack a set of secateurs in the boot, and if I pass again will give the bush a trim (so to speak:rolleyes:)

Onwards and upwards, the next visit of the day was Langer Airfeild. Most, if not all of the buildings seemed to be in use. I drove onto the airfield, but met with quite a sizable Gypsy camp, so did a tactical withdrawal.

Next onto RAF Bottesford (or Normanton Airfield ) Report to follow.


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