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Report - - Burnley Empire Theatre, April 2015 | Theatres and Cinemas |

Report - Burnley Empire Theatre, April 2015

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
The Visit
Few failed attempts of different places on this day so decided to have a look at the theatre.. access was lets just say interesting :)

The History
Originally called the Empire Theatre of Varieties, this theatre opened in Burnley in 1894 with capacity to seat 1935 people. Funded by the Directors of the Victoria Opera House Limited.
In 1995 the building became abandoned and has rapidly deteriorated both internally and externally. In 2013 it was reported that the owners of the Empire Theatre were given 8 weeks to make emergency repairs mainly to the exterior which was thought to be at risk of partial collapse onto nearby footpaths. However it does not appear that anyone from the Lancashire Theatre Company (the registered owners) have come forward to claim ownership.








28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I was there today and got a few photos and vidoes. Such a beautiful place and would like to go there weekly but the increase in police activity has pushed me off going.

Very majestic. Awesome photoa.

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