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Report - - Buxton council water works 09 / 24 | Industrial Sites |

Report - Buxton council water works 09 / 24

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Built in 1957, it's purpose was to service the Stanley moor Reservoir!

Sadly there were serious leaks due to it's position over a fault line and it had to be decommissioned! So this pump house became redundant.

I came across this two years ago after going to photograph something else nearby, I'd tried repeatedly to find a way in; it is quite a drive for me but one thing with Urbex - persistence can pay off! Some places took years but today, luck was on my side. And it didn't disappoint!













Mr Budge

28DL Regular User
Regular User
place is quite atmospheric and makes for a decent wander with the camera, nice work


Teim scoobs
28DL Full Member
I've never known the rear window to be boarded up properly.
The building next to it is in use as a storage building so very rarely you'll see someone there, went in it once and heating was on full.
I enquired to buy this place to turn it into a residential place like the one further along but they wouldn't sell it due to using the other building.

Nice to see it again now that im over 4 hiurs away, it was where I always took people first that were interested in urbex to see if it was their thing (then taxal lodge 2nd lol).