Buxton House, Huddersfield - 2020
Visited solo
I used to do a fair few rooftops, but not so much in recent years. I came out of relative rooftop retirement for this late 60s, eleven-storey residential block a while ago, can't really remember when.
It's one of the taller buildings in town, and it's positioned at the 'top o' town', so it's got quite a decent aspect all the way down to the stadium.
Visited solo
I used to do a fair few rooftops, but not so much in recent years. I came out of relative rooftop retirement for this late 60s, eleven-storey residential block a while ago, can't really remember when.
It's one of the taller buildings in town, and it's positioned at the 'top o' town', so it's got quite a decent aspect all the way down to the stadium.