Had a totally unexpected visit to the old Courthouse after the new owners saw us walk by with my mother in wheelchair and asked us if they could use the wheelchair to test out widths of doors and stairs in return for a tour of what is effect a massive building site. The courts where built in around 1837 then sold recently to a person who intended to turn it into a house. After that idea fell through the building has been resold to a musician from London and been converted into theatre and art space. The emphasis with this build is to everything back to how it was as a the court space and assizes room. We arrived to see some of the old stud walls been knocked out. All the features are still there as are the cells. Credit has to be given to her for taking it all on. At least it is saved for Wales and in one the best positions in the town with the castle only feet away. Some of the castle is in the basement! As it is a building site with large holes we could only stay on the ground floor and cells. The gallery can be seen in some photo's.