Heh heh a little bit of fun to be had here. After a lot of fafing about whilst on holiday by the sea I finally bought a boat for the family with an added bonus of being able to check the Camden Catacombs. So Photbot and me makes our way down to the designated launch pad and start a-pumpin'. Within seconds we are descended upon - who are you, watcha doin', do ya know 28gayslater??? Yadda yadda, we say no, we just want a punt up the cannel. A friendly boat owner says "I have an electric pump machine - do you want a hand pumping your inflatable up?". We hear the golden voice of reason and, well, we just can't say no to an offer like that and 10 minutes later of pfffffffff we are all set. The urbex gods are smiling as one of our original fan insist on coming too, on the condition that he the does the rowing. Seeing as its' a boat for four so I can't say no. As a double bubble we come across a new development in Camden and climb to the top to take a few pics.
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