CAMELOT - Theme Park - Photographic Report - Feb 2018
This abandoned resort and theme park is located in the English county of Lancashire.
The park's theme was based on the well-known story of King Arthur and the Knights of the roundtable
After numerous takeovers, the theme park was purchased by Story Group and leased to Knight's Leisure who ran the park.
However, it's closure was announced by the operator, in November 2012.
In August 2014, an application to build houses on the site was unanimously rejected with 261 public objections.
As of Feb 2018, the park stands empty a former shadow of its glory day slowly but surely falling victim to mother nature.
A new housing development plan has been submitted, to many a protest from the local residents,
However, if it does go through the once magical kingdom of Camelot will be lost forever.
We gained entry into the former petting zoo and made our way to the middle of the park where we were caught by 4 security guards and a static full of dogs.
Anyway, I hope you can enjoy the pics as its all I was able to get.
Any feedback greatly appreciated.
This abandoned resort and theme park is located in the English county of Lancashire.
The park's theme was based on the well-known story of King Arthur and the Knights of the roundtable
After numerous takeovers, the theme park was purchased by Story Group and leased to Knight's Leisure who ran the park.
However, it's closure was announced by the operator, in November 2012.
In August 2014, an application to build houses on the site was unanimously rejected with 261 public objections.
As of Feb 2018, the park stands empty a former shadow of its glory day slowly but surely falling victim to mother nature.
A new housing development plan has been submitted, to many a protest from the local residents,
However, if it does go through the once magical kingdom of Camelot will be lost forever.
We gained entry into the former petting zoo and made our way to the middle of the park where we were caught by 4 security guards and a static full of dogs.
Anyway, I hope you can enjoy the pics as its all I was able to get.
Any feedback greatly appreciated.