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General - Camelot theme park

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Hi guys pretty sure this place has been covered a lot. But we just wanted to make a post on it as we have been here a few times and we’ve been told that soon it will be torn down for storey to build houses on. So might be ur last chance to go check it out.
The Knightmare coaster is still standing there but have been told it’s getting taken down soon in the coming weeks and getting sent to Italy to be refurbished. But I’m not sure how genuine the information I’ve been told is true. We do have videos from here on our YouTube channel if u would like to check them out .











28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Is it hard to get into this place, like is there much security?
Hi it’s not actually hard to get into just don’t walk near the castle at the front as a security car is parked in there. And also be very careful when heading towards the old Knightmare coaster as two or three guards are there pretty sure the guy with the dog is based both ends aswell


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Was thinking about doing this place this weekend but me and dogs dont mix so think ill give it a swerve lol


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Does anyone know if there is anything left there today?

Just to save a drive if its all gone as my last two attempts at exploring were failures :(

Kind Regards

Theme Park Dayz

28DL Member
28DL Member
Does anyone know if there is anything left there today?

Just to save a drive if its all gone as my last two attempts at exploring were failures :(

Kind Regards
Hi mythical.

I asked the question the other day to someone who lives nearby and they said it's all still there we'll apart from the knightmare coaster which got torn down on the 14th Feb. And I'm pretty sure now the security has been relaxed. Hope this helps


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Hi mythical.

I asked the question the other day to someone who lives nearby and they said it's all still there we'll apart from the knightmare coaster which got torn down on the 14th Feb. And I'm pretty sure now the security has been relaxed. Hope this helps

Ahhhh okay cool thank you very much I will put it on the to do list for when this is all over then!


Teim scoobs
28DL Full Member
I've often wondered about gullivers world, took the kids there a good few years ago, it was so bad I loved it lol, is it an easy one?


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
What's the penalty if you do get caught? (apart from a dog bite....). This is one of the coolest abandoned places near me and used to go as a kid so would be great to go and get some pictures.... But I'm kinda scared....


TV Locations Aficionado
28DL Full Member
What's the penalty if you do get caught? (apart from a dog bite....). This is one of the coolest abandoned places near me and used to go as a kid so would be great to go and get some pictures.... But I'm kinda scared....

No penalty (unless there are court order signs up) as long as you're just having a mooch and don't do anything stupid :) My experience of security here was actually a pleasant one, but there are guard dogs on site and it's also a police dog training facility (may not be nowadays). Keep your wits about you, take a friend, and you should be fine :thumb

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