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Report - CASP Laboratory, Cambridge, 2023

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Surprisingly Unsurprising
Regular User
CASP/Madingley Rise Laboratory
Introduction and Visit

As one of a small collection of relatively unaccounted for derelictions in and around Cambridge, this small laboratory complex finds itself orphaned from the Madingley Rise Campus which forms from part of the University Of Cambridge.

Having been picked up on by the planning documents in a recent development, I had this as one of a small handful to inspect when nearby. So, making use of the free parking nearby a short and damp walk across the parkland quickly got me into hunting for a way in before reluctantly convincing myself to try an obviously open upper floor window instead of going further into central Cambridge.

Internally the initial greenness from the mould was a promising start and the first few labs were promising. After a while, the vandalism towards the western areas showed nothing worthwhile and I decided to cut the venture short.

External View

Being a relatively unassuming building there isn't anything in terms of a major history for the building itself, as far as can be found, the planning permission was granted for construction in the late 1980s.
An extension would be added in the late 1990s as well as few other parts.

The building is best assumed to have been part of the Cambridge Arctic Shelf Programme (CASP), previously the CSE, as use for scientific study.
There isn't a clear date of its disuse but it can be assumed somewhere within the mid-to-late 2010s judging by the recent water damage and evidence of functioning electricity.

Today, since closure it has become a damaged shell after being occupied by local vandals at intermittent periods with demolition now looming as the land has now become part of the North West Cambridgeshire Development.

The building is formed of three parts with a laboratory section to the east, offices to the west with a single floor connection and a series of prefabricated labs which are locked off along the southern boarder.

The Images

Covered alleyway between the building a prefabs

Uninteresting corridor

One of the more communal laboratory work areas.

A large amount of really nice wooden laboratory furniture and ceiling decoration.

Fume Cupboard

Upper floor corridors

A slightly dark, yet interesting, lab.


Anyway, that'll be all.

Nothing spectacular but one worth quickly noting for those who enjoy this type of stuff.



28DL Regular User
Regular User
Looks like a nice chill wander that. As mikey says, nothing wrong with it at all. Good work!


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Looks really nice, love the decay aswell. I like the old lift, I love old industrial elevators with those big metal zig-zag doors. I also love the decay in the shot with the fire exit sign. Nicely done!


28DL Member
28DL Member
Great find, especially since everything abandoned in Cambridge gets built on almost instantly. I was gonna check it out but I wasn't sure if there was asbestos from some of the images so I decided not to. Is it possible to identify if it is asbestos just by looking at the images?


Surprisingly Unsurprising
Regular User
Great find, especially since everything abandoned in Cambridge gets built on almost instantly. I was gonna check it out but I wasn't sure if there was asbestos from some of the images so I decided not to. Is it possible to identify if it is asbestos just by looking at the images?
I couldn't give you an answer to your asbestos concerns unfortunately.
General rule of thumb, although probably not officially advised, is to not touch it or any other material you're unsure about. Trying to identify it will only bring you closer to the stuff for a longer time.

On another note, I believe the place has been completed boarded up...


28DL Member
28DL Member
I couldn't give you an answer to your asbestos concerns unfortunately.
General rule of thumb, although probably not officially advised, is to not touch it or any other material you're unsure about. Trying to identify it will only bring you closer to the stuff for a longer time.

On another note, I believe the place has been completed boarded up...
Thank you. Shame it got boarded up

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