Cathedral Steps/Victoria Arches - A Final Farewell.
When I heard that the old Salford Victoria Bridge Bus Station come NCP carpark had been sealed off I knew it was last orders...
The Bus Station had been in use since the 1930's closing in 1970 and since used as a car park
....The fate of the Arches is immenent, as many will be transformed into bars, cafes & restaurants, the type of places that will rip you off for £4 a pint

The remaining BT will be using for secure cable ducts and the rest accomodating the foundations for the glass footbridge.
Having spoken to someone I know who is close to this project over the last few days, I was informed that work is about to start any day.
An artists impression of the Irwell Plans
BOLLOCKS, I really wanted to have one last visit, but only having one leg/foot that is any use was always going present a problem getting back in.
Cue 'The_Collective', they always fancied one last trip themselves, so we all hastily met up in Manchester late one evening to plan this one out, this wasn't going to be straightforward.
The entire area is now a building site, with plant and a big mobile crane on-site, they have even started digging for the foundations.
It's now or never, and I was never truly sure that I would manage this in my crippled state, but I was determined as ever.
I'm not going to go into detail on the access, needless to say SkillZ from the boys and a swig of Red Bull did the trick

I wanted a few more pics of the place, just for old times sake, yet pissing around on the old cripp stix meant we spent most of the night in there.
I have been into the Arches a few times now, and despite this I always manage to spot something I haven't seen before, on this occasion some other passageways and tunnels that have never featured in previous reports, not to say that others haven't seen them like.
Anyway I'm not posting pictures of them bits as it will reveal another possible access route.
If you haven't been in here, and it's on your list I would get it done ASAP as putting 2 & 2 together I don't think it's gonna be possible much longer.
A comedy night all round - We were followed home by the Police and when we got back to mine at 5:30am we were greeted with "OI WHAT YOU FUCKIN DOIN????????", "sorry boys i thought you where emptying my gaff" lmfao was hillarious.
Biggup to Stepping Lightly & Userscott for discovering this place and being good enough to show me around on previous visits
It was handy that the door is now missing as it allowed us to get some decent shots of the Irwell
Massive shouts to The_Collective for making this happen.
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