Terre Rouge and Centrale Thermique were long-standing mainstays of European exploring, I had wanted to see Centrale Thermique for years and years and finally did so on my last trip to the continent.
Terre Rouge was an enormous former ironworks established in 1870, taken over by ARBED in 1937 and it began producing steel. Later the Arcelor Mittal group took it over and it closed in 1997. The furnaces were all demolished a few years later leaving only the iron ore silos and a couple of other buildings standing, along with the power station known as Centrale Thermique a short distance away. Unfortunately the power station was demolished in 2015 but the iron ore silos that make up the Terre Rouge part of the site are still there.
We started at the iron ore silos early on a gorgeous July morning, we had a fairly quick nose around as we all wanted to get to the power station in good time. I know from seeing photos there were ways up to the top of the silos but either we were blind and couldn't see them or we just didn't look hard enough.
Onwards we headed to Centrale Thermique. I had wanted to see this place basically since I started exploring so it was a big tick off my list to finally see it. Walking onto the site it couldn't have been any easier, it was situated next to a part of the waste ground of the former works that had people working on it but nobody cared. That's the sort of thing I miss about exploring on the continent, apparently nobody gives a crap. We found a way in and lost ourselves in the bowels of the power station. The large fixed circular platform in the turbine hall here has always intrigued me as it's function is completely unknown to me, I've never seen anything like it before or since in any power station.
Thanks for looking
Terre Rouge was an enormous former ironworks established in 1870, taken over by ARBED in 1937 and it began producing steel. Later the Arcelor Mittal group took it over and it closed in 1997. The furnaces were all demolished a few years later leaving only the iron ore silos and a couple of other buildings standing, along with the power station known as Centrale Thermique a short distance away. Unfortunately the power station was demolished in 2015 but the iron ore silos that make up the Terre Rouge part of the site are still there.
We started at the iron ore silos early on a gorgeous July morning, we had a fairly quick nose around as we all wanted to get to the power station in good time. I know from seeing photos there were ways up to the top of the silos but either we were blind and couldn't see them or we just didn't look hard enough.
Onwards we headed to Centrale Thermique. I had wanted to see this place basically since I started exploring so it was a big tick off my list to finally see it. Walking onto the site it couldn't have been any easier, it was situated next to a part of the waste ground of the former works that had people working on it but nobody cared. That's the sort of thing I miss about exploring on the continent, apparently nobody gives a crap. We found a way in and lost ourselves in the bowels of the power station. The large fixed circular platform in the turbine hall here has always intrigued me as it's function is completely unknown to me, I've never seen anything like it before or since in any power station.
Thanks for looking