Originally forund by Landy_man, explored with OT and Speed.
Well what can I say, this place was breathtaking! Originally water driven, it looks like it was converted to electric in the 20's. Totally unchanged, with looms and textile spinning machinery of Victorian vintage. It was also packed full of wicker skeps, piles of bobbins shuttles and reels, metal line shaft wheels and such like.
I have read it originally spun flanel jumpers for copper miners. Quite why it has been left in such an incredible state of preservation is quite beyond me. Closure was in 1962 but it could have easily have been pre war by the stuff that was in there.
The attic contained a load of personal effects from I assume the owners. Victorian furniture, trunks of books and of course, the resident stuffed heron
Well what can I say, this place was breathtaking! Originally water driven, it looks like it was converted to electric in the 20's. Totally unchanged, with looms and textile spinning machinery of Victorian vintage. It was also packed full of wicker skeps, piles of bobbins shuttles and reels, metal line shaft wheels and such like.
I have read it originally spun flanel jumpers for copper miners. Quite why it has been left in such an incredible state of preservation is quite beyond me. Closure was in 1962 but it could have easily have been pre war by the stuff that was in there.
The attic contained a load of personal effects from I assume the owners. Victorian furniture, trunks of books and of course, the resident stuffed heron