Low effot reportage I'm afraid. This one closed in May this year and I remember reading about it while lying in a hospital bed awaing surgery. For whatever reason the need to go look at it didnt stick in my head over the following months and unfortunately that has meant we missed the best of it. By the time we heard that demolition work had started a few weeks ago and managed to get over there to check it out the vast majority of the main foundry sheds themselves had been ripped to shreads by the scrap man's digger. With said sheds occupied by workers too I didn't bother with many photos in there opting to get a few rushed shots of what else the site had to offer.. The bath house and medical room actually not too bad considering but the separate office block was still well boarded and the 'canteen' door still locked so we had to settle for a look through the window. Would probably have stayed longer but Dave was busting for a shit and didn't fancy getting rumbled mid flow. We chalked it up to a bit of a fail but il add my quick phone shots here for those who may be interested.