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Report - - Civil Justice Centre, Manchester, May 2015 | High Stuff |

Report - Civil Justice Centre, Manchester, May 2015

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big in japan
Regular User

2015, and the Manc to-do list getting pretty short. The 7th tallest building in Manchester, and one that to my knowledge, still hadn't been ticked by any of the legions of Manchester explorers who've been operating in our fair city over the past decade or so. The Civil Justice Centre is actually a rather nice blob of architecture, and has been the main centre for dishing out punishment to neer-do-wells since it opened for business in 2007 with its 'Filing Cabinet' ends standing proud over the Irwell, reminding Salford to behave itself.

It wouldn't surprise me if getting up here had been thought of before, possibly by the route we took (as you'd have to be a jammy bastard to make it past the front doors and metal detectors without being nabbed), but I'd hazard a guess that the high probability of waking up to a parking ticket and a bowl of Her Majesties cornflakes was enough to put most people off.

It took us a few run-ups to do this one, not in terms of technique or trying different approaches, just in nerve. We drove into Manchester at least three times, and just hung out on a bench and talked about how daft we were before we plucked up the guts to just bomb it past all the cameras and start. If any building was going to be on the ball in terms of its security, you'd have thought it would have been this. You'd have thought wrong though...


Using the sunshield on one side of it, we were able to make quick and cozy-safe upward progression, aided by a load of thick steel beams we could wrap some chunky slings round. It was a bit nippy on the fingers climbing 17 floors of 2mm steel grill, but aside from a horrible mid section, it was mostly pleasant climbing punctuated with plenty of little rest stops as we made slow progression upward.









After an excellent finish up the last grill and monkeying underneath an I-beam to the top belay position, we just managed to get the dawn light over Manchester. I'm normally not that fussed about super high-up Manchester, but from here, it was an excellent cross section of our fair city, and a quality start to the day.








We'd pushed our luck a bit in terms of time, so about 5 or 6 pitches of abseiling later (bring a longer bloody rope next time!) and we were touching down on the ground and running like nutters away from all the cameras and the new security shift who would almost certainly have been starting in the next couple of minutes.


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Good one!

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u wot m9?!
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Staff member
Nothing more satisfying walking away from something having pulled off some cheeky bastard access and got away with it in one piece

Rare you here of it these days, top effort and a good write up, the pics are just a bonus :thumb

Camera Shy

Old enough to know better
Regular User
Yeah as a Manchester based bod I'd have had a go at this expect for the fact I don't have any climbing gear, and I don't like heights, and I prefer derps to rooftops, and I'm not arsed about being the first one in/up/on anything, apart from that yeah. Anyway marvellous stuff, always enjoy seeing your exploits.


Official Smartarse
Regular User
Yeah as a Manchester based bod I'd have had a go at this expect for the fact I don't have any climbing gear, and I don't like heights, and I prefer derps to rooftops, and I'm not arsed about being the first one in/up/on anything, apart from that yeah. Anyway marvellous stuff, always enjoy seeing your exploits.

To be fair, we were only the first because no one else had done it before.

The Lone Ranger

Safety is paramount!
Staff member
Epic and classy from the pair of you again :thumb May have to have a go at this climbing building lark at some point!