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Report - Clare Tooling - Manchester Sep 14

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foul-mouthed oaf
28DL Full Member
Clare Tooling - Manchester​

Not seen this done in a while and I've had my eye on it for ages, and aside from climbing a lamp-post in full view of about 200 apartments, it was never do-able.
However as the old saying go's 'patience is a virtue' and on this occasion, my patience paid off.

The Excelsior Printing and Bookbinding Works was originally opened on the Monday 4th July 1870 and the owner at the time was Mr John Heywood.
At the time when it was opened this place could take on upto 750 employees and was one of the largest of it kind.

There's no other history although it appears Clare Tooling Systems occupied the building around the late 80's early 90's.

visited solo, but I soon had company in the form of two lovely young men, one wielding a small car jack...
This is where stealth, and old wardrobes come in handy.
Thankfully they soon left and I continued on my merry way, albeit a touch more paranoid than before :)


A delightful riverside property, but a bit 'on top' as far as access go's as its overlooked by all and sundry


Evidence of recent squatters on the way in, from beer bottles to hyperdermics, watch where you step :eek:



I think it's fair to say, the place has seen better days, most floors are completely stripped out





Filing cabinets piled high with Ledger books, receipts and associated paperwork galore



Some nice bits and pieces strewn about amongst the broken glass and dead pigeons




A nice view out of the Bridgewater canal, If they could save this place it would make cracking apartments

Cheers for looking :thumb

Camera Shy

Old enough to know better
Regular User
One of my first explores this and it's not changed.
I was nearby a couple of months back and the access was exactly the same as it was years ago with no need for climbing anything.
Anyway nice one it's good to see it again.


foul-mouthed oaf
28DL Full Member
One of my first explores this and it's not changed.
I was nearby a couple of months back and the access was exactly the same as it was years ago with no need for climbing anything.
Anyway nice one it's good to see it again.

Ha yeah, I've just seen that old report. It's looking a bit more trashed than it did a few years back !


28DL Regular User
Regular User
That's a beautiful looking place, great report.

With the day I've had at work today filled with problems with "CAD jockeys" I wish we were still in the more simple days of draughtsmen and paper drawings!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Nice to see the place again. I know what you mean about the gold fish bowl i felt there was a thousand eyes on me when i went. I remember seeing 2 well dressed guys outside looking into the building as if to say he,s in there somewhere, time to get out, still its a canny explore despite it being a bit trashed these days.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I am sure this is a place I looked at a few years ago, but decided against a solo explore as it seemed too dodgy at the time.

Looks like it's worth a visit if your in the area for sure, you have some great shots!


foul-mouthed oaf
28DL Full Member
I am sure this is a place I looked at a few years ago, but decided against a solo explore as it seemed too dodgy at the time.

It is still pretty dodgy to be fair, but I've seen it shut up too many times to pass so I thought what the hell

Yeah, not seen this for a while. At one stage it was definitely not open, too.

Until recently I checked a few times a week to no avail, just got lucky on this occasion :)

David Gray

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
My post seems to have vanished into cyberspace so I'll try again. I blame the vodka. Visited this site today and met 3 lads going in. They seemed convinced I was old bill at first but after a chat we all entered the building together. I didn't have a torch and there were some huge holes in the middle floors so kept to the high and unboarded floors. Got some nice pics and will post them up when I get home in a few days.

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