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Report - Conisbrough, Victorian water tunnel - December 2024

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28DL Member
28DL Member
This is my first post here so any advice will be great.

This was an old Victorian-age water pipe, that ran from the Thrybergh (From what I've read) Through Conisbrough, Edlington and possible to doncaster.
This pipe section ran for approximately a Kilometre from Conisbrough to Edlington although me and some friends only explored up to the first of 4 airshafts placed throughout the structure. The tunnel varried in height through out but was quite consistent in its width. The roof varied from areas of bricked arches to cave-like sections and some areas were plated with metel sheets.

Tunnel entrance.jpeg

This was the entrance (Viaduct-side) to the tunnel. At one point it was blocked off but someone fixed that.

Tunnel entrance 2 .jpeg

A close up of this entrance.

James tunnel.jpeg

It can be tight entering this entrance but it isn't too bad just dont bring nice clothes.

Tunnel 3.jpeg

Tunnel 2.jpeg

Tunnel 1.jpeg

That's all for this post.
Thanks for reading.