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Report - - Cookridge Hospital IDA Ward, Leeds - Aug 2016 | Asylums and Hospitals |

Report - Cookridge Hospital IDA Ward, Leeds - Aug 2016

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28DL Member
28DL Member
Cookridge Hospital was built in 1869 in the middle of the village of Cookridge.
It was previously a convalescent hospital until 2007 when all services were transferred to St James Hospital in Leeds and the hospital was then closed by the NHS.
The building was designed in a Gothic vernacular style which looks truly incredible.

Unfortunately, the main building was completely sealed, Hoevever the Ida ward was accessible.



The site had truly seen it all! During the First world war, the building was used to care for servicemen and resumed its civilian role after 1919.


In 1939 the hospital then became a maternity hospital for a short amount of time.


The hospital then specialised in radiational therapy to help find new ways to help cure certain illnesses/Diseases.


The hospital also continued to develop new technology to help cure patients.


In 2019 the hospital remains in a very sorry state, Further parts of the building have been demolished and work has now started on the site to build homes. The Ida ward has part of its roof missing due to an arson attack which took place last year.


This explore was definitely a favourite of mine.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Nice report bud. I like the first pic :thumb
I visited this place early 2015 and it did not look that different then.

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