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Report - Cotton Lane Police Station, Derby - January 2024

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28DL Regular User
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Cotton Lane Police Station, Derby - January 2024

Cotton Lane Police Station was built in the late 70s after the wholesale demolition of swathes of Victorian terraced houses in the area (former Graham Street / Russell Street). The station was the base for Operational Response, Local Policing, Safer Neighbourhood Teams, Special Constables and the 101 Disaster Fallback Facility. It was earmarked for closure in 2017 when maintenance costs started mounting and the station was described as ‘ageing and not fit for policing’. It eventually closed in 2022 when it was replaced by the new Ascot Drive Station a short distance away.

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Instructions for blasting someone in the face with CS gas...

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The original Gent masterclock was still present

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The future for the site... 101 apartments!​

Midnight Odyssey

Smegma Grindset
28DL Full Member
Just noticed on that plaque - the person identified was a Conservative politician with the surname 'Whitelaw' - an unfortunately appropriate name for someone who was involved with opening a police station in the 70s! :wanker Wonder what his ancestors were involved in to get a name like that.

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