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Report - - Cowdale lime works, July 2023, (Peak District) | Industrial Sites |

Report - Cowdale lime works, July 2023, (Peak District)

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
First time report, long time lurker and general wanderer. Visited this explore with the mrs, while we drove an old VW T3 around the peaks for a walking/camping holiday.

I’ve been sitting on these awful photos for a while, so sorry about the poor photography taking on a phone 6 back in July.

History and information-
Dating back to the 17th century, the Peak District has had an industry of mining limestone, and still to this day have large operations actively mining lime, just a stones throw from the old lime works.

There are differing reports on when the lime kilns were built, but from what I can find the first mine workings were around 1870.

The cowdale lime works closed around 1954, and was one of the last sites to use old coal fired kiln methods.

The explore-
The explore itself was very relaxed, there is a small lay by nearby but can be quite muddy and slippy in areas, the area is a lovely area in the summer months, and I believe use to be used for a-bit of rogue route climbing, very green and full of tree growth, we spent a hour or so walking round the entire site, there can be cows grazing on the tops in the summer and spring months, but are very friendly.

The photos themselves, do not do the structures justice, the old kilns really are fantastic structures to look at and I bet in its hay day was a site to see.

My first report, so hope it’s alreet, writing has never been my strong point but never a bad time to start eh.

Thanks for looking.










Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Welcome. Well done on getting your first report up. Looks like a very nice mooch. Same as above, prefer straight pics but thats only my preference. Also your title needs to include a month and year, just so it it cohesive with all reports on here.

Well done again and a warm welcome. Hope to see more from you :thumb


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Welcome. Well done on getting your first report up. Looks like a very nice mooch. Same as above, prefer straight pics but thats only my preference. Also your title needs to include a month and year, just so it it cohesive with all reports on here.

Well done again and a warm welcome. Hope to see more from you :thumb
I’m just trying to keep your necks flexible 😂, thanks for the pointer on the date and year.


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Well done on getting out there and a nice place to open your explore reports with.

Just one thing and it's already been said in the comments above: you really need to lose the angles.
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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Appreciate the comments,

I’ve got some other pics from different explores in the area, after reviewing them it’s definitely a habit of mine.

Planning to get back out for a mooch around london soon, so will keep angles and photography basics in mind.


Goes where the Buddleia grows
Regular User
Appreciate the comments,

I’ve got some other pics from different explores in the area, after reviewing them it’s definitely a habit of mine.

Planning to get back out for a mooch around london soon, so will keep angles and photography basics in mind.
It's a classic rookie error but once you know you can't 'unsee' it so nice and easy to correct. Good luck with the rest :thumb

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