Thought i'd post these up, taken me long enough!! Had a great days exploring with Gorecki(nice meeting you&thanks for driving) and Lost.
After a nice cruise up the black isle, doing Rosehall then Nigg we waited for the light to faid slightly before going to Craig Dunain. I get more and more horrified everytime i visit at the sight of the disgusting new builds. Had a comedy moment dodging security (in a beemer) then got into one of the out buildings, it also housed patients but is not joined to the main building. Nothing had changed since last time. Here are the few i took that are worthy of showing.
Main Corridor
Comfy Chair
That wheelchair again...
View looking across to main building
Wash rooms
Walk round
And thats it, i really wanted to get into the main building again but seeing security a few times un-nerved me so i decided not to, was bit worried the police would be called if we were found inside, sorry Lost for bottling it
im still annoyed about it!! Maybe get in again soon.
After a nice cruise up the black isle, doing Rosehall then Nigg we waited for the light to faid slightly before going to Craig Dunain. I get more and more horrified everytime i visit at the sight of the disgusting new builds. Had a comedy moment dodging security (in a beemer) then got into one of the out buildings, it also housed patients but is not joined to the main building. Nothing had changed since last time. Here are the few i took that are worthy of showing.
Main Corridor
Comfy Chair
That wheelchair again...
View looking across to main building
Wash rooms
Walk round
And thats it, i really wanted to get into the main building again but seeing security a few times un-nerved me so i decided not to, was bit worried the police would be called if we were found inside, sorry Lost for bottling it