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Report - - CWM Coke, Beddau - September 2012 | Industrial Sites |

Report - CWM Coke, Beddau - September 2012

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Let's do this ting
Regular User
Visited with SeffboyUK and End-Proc.

Brief intro stolen from elsewhere:

The old now derelict Coke Works at Tynant just North of Beddau in the Rhondda Valley. A colliery was established here at Cwm as far back as 1870 and although originally privately owned it became part of the nationalised NCB. In 1958 due to high demand for coke, the NCB built the coking works adjacent to Cwm Colliery in the small village of Tynant near Beddau in the Rhondda Valley. Due to the high demand for coal to feed the plant, four collieries including Cwm were used to feed the plant. Following the disasterous miners strike of the early 1980's, Cwm Colliery was closed, and the land re-claimed. All traces of the colliery have now been eliminated. However, the coking plant was privately sold and operated until 2002 when it too was closed down. The plant fell into decay and nature has slowly taken over, but most of the buildings and heavy machinery remain on site. There are hidden dangers all over the site from oil and slurry pits to chemicals and sharp metal edges. Much of the building is covered in layers of coal dust and slurry and the internal areas are poorly lit and slippery, many buildings with shafts and holes in the floor areas.

It was a typical rainy and windy day in Wales. The constant rain and the howling wind engulfed the site the whole time we were there. A fantastic place, but riddled with hidden dangers which only made it more fun! We certainly had a few close calls. Anyway on with the pics:

The first building we came to:










We then got up as high as we could inside the big concrete structure:


We walked down this section only to have to return for our bags!:

Loved seeing this sign halfway through our visit:

Still wondering why this is turned over:

The Engineering Works:

Some fire extinguisher funz:


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