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Report - - D.O.E Dover kent 03/2013 | Underground Sites |

Report - D.O.E Dover kent 03/2013

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A Predisposed Tourist
Regular User
This was yet another revisit ,but this time i actually spent some time and got some half decent shots,and Obs let me play with the fisheye..Not a huge amount of pics for a change..
Visited with SpaceInvader Obscurity and Stealth..Very nearly ended thigh high in water in what looked like a solid container,turns out it was full of water and crap so a wet foot was a lucky escape,There is a Motorhome type of affair on site and entry to access is a tad on the dodgy side.....And at the end of our evening legs had to be done to avoid any unpleasantness with the police car coming into the area where we had just left!!all in all fun tho

bit of history from tut net

Fire brigade plans of the 1970s name these 'D.O.E Tunnels', and they were at the time at the rear of the Dover Storage Company, in Limekiln Street. This area now forms a shipping company's yard. The tunnels themselves probably date back to the early 19th Century, but must have been worked over a period of years, and are just East of the Oil Mill Caves. There is evidence of use throughout the years, including use as air raid shelters during WW2, and a stairway seemingly built during this time links the tunnels to the main train tunnel nearby. A large portion at the rear of the tunnel has suffered a severe roof fall at both ends of a tunnel intersecting the main chamber. The brickwork in the main section is impressive and remains in good condition.

Some pictors.










Thanks for looking.
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