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Report - - Dance Academy / New Palace Theatre, Plymouth, August 2022 | Theatres and Cinemas |

Report - Dance Academy / New Palace Theatre, Plymouth, August 2022

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member

The palace Theatre opened in 1898 as a music hall and was built in the Flemish Renaissance style, with the interior in an Art Nouveau style, with nautical features but was damaged by fire only three months after opening .
The theatre was rebuilt after the fire and was re-opened on 22 May 1899 as the new palace theatre of varieties.

Although the interior was now much plainer than it had been originally. The paintings on the ceiling which had been destroyed in the fire were replaced by "an allegorical group"
In 1961 it was converted in to a bingo hall, but later reverted to being a theatre until 1983, when it became the academy disco and finally operated as a night club called " Dance Academy "

Dance Academy years

Manoucehr Bahmanzadeh acquired the building in 1997 and renamed it " Dance Academy".
It soon became one of the top dance venues in the UK attracting big name D'JS in dance music.
He ran it untill 2006 untill its forced closure following a police raid.

The club could accommodate 1,300 dancers in two rooms and had seven bars and "gained a heady reputation" as 1 of the best clubs in the south west under resident D.J., Tom Costelloe.
By 2005, the club claimed that it had in excess of 20,000 members.


On May 7th 2006, following a five-month long intelligence-led operation in Plymouth which "uncovered significant and widespread class A drug misuse and violence associated with the nightclub" - according to the then Chief Superintendent Morris Watts around 140 officers raided the venue as they executed a closure order made by Plymouth City Council's antisocial behaviour unit.
The council and police claimed the Dance Academy was rife with Class A drugs purportedly linked to the dance-music culture the club promoted.

The Explore

Have been wanting to get in here for a while so last month we decided to head down to devon for a few explores.
Getting in and out of here isnt easy but it was well worth it!.
I always remember hearing this place being mentioned on Dance Anthems On Radio 1 back at the start of the millennium so it was quite a shock to see a once thriving club/ theatre in such a bad way.
Hopefully one day this place will re open.

A packed Dance Academy back in the day

Another from its hey day

A smug Looking copper serving the closure order
A smug looking cooper serving the closure notice

A room with a nice view!
a nice view


The main bar
The main bar


So this was aparantly called the blue room
Apparently this was called the  Blue Room






The main stairs in to the building. clutter stacked up in front of the doors, probably to stop breakins
Looking down the entrance stairs. Note all the junk thats been stacked up, probably to  stop people breaking in

I didnt wear a hard hat!



Looking towards the old stage. The dance floor was a bit sketchy in places
Down on the main dance floor ( whats left of it ) looking towards what would have been the stage

The cealing is absolutely stunning in here

The cealing in here is just stunning



Right at the top looking down on to the main dance floor

And to finish.. some externals
And to finish a couple of externals



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28DL Full Member
is this still standing or been giving a fresh new life ?

or is it still looking the same and can gain entry


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Sad to see it in this state we had it tidy when we finished trying to sort the place back in 2016 Sadly i don't think the prick who owns will ever sort it now as he thinks the place does not look as bad as when he bought it back in 1995 All it had then was a leaky roof according to him Great report this


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Thanks for posting this. It has got far worse than I expected. One of the original ship lanterns and part of the moulding on the OP box front, plaster from the wall at the back of the Grand Circle and a whole panel including a niche feature in the foyer (immediately behind one of the tiled Armada panels on the facade) all dating from 1898 have now fallen off along with loads of plaster from the ceilings. I am writing this exactly 124 years to the minute since the fire that nearly destroyed the theatre broke out. Historic England, the Theatres Trust and the Victorian Society need to see these photos. The deliberate policy of neglect has gone far enough.

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