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DC3 Plane Wreck, Sólheimasandur (near Vik), Iceland - October 2018 | European and International Sites |

DC3 Plane Wreck, Sólheimasandur (near Vik), Iceland - October 2018

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Pretty well known site - first report - constructive feedback appreciated :)


The plane crash happened in 1973 near Vik, in Iceland. The story was popular at that time, particularly since everyone on-board survived the crash. Allegedly the DC3 military plane, from the United States ran out of fuel when the pilot switched to the incorrect fuel tank. The plane was then forced to crash on a black sand beach at Sólheimasandur on the South Coast of Iceland, about an hour or so from Vik. The exact reason for the crash is still to be decided. Following the crash the plane was never recovered and it was gradually stripped, as you can see from the photographs. The site is at risk of being damaged due to irresponsible 'tourists'. I'd thoroughly recommend a trip to Iceland - it's incredible.

Update: "The crew hurried out of the plane, as they feared the plane might catch fire, as the fuel tanks had been damaged in the crash. The only things they grabbed with them were the first-aid kit and an old radio, dating back to WW2. Their earlier distress call had been picked up by a Hercules transport on route from Europe to Keflavík. The Naval base in Keflavík, as well as local ICE-SAR battalions had been alerted and a rescue operation was already being prepared when the plane crashed. The crew only had to wait an hour before a US rescue chopper from Keflavík reached them, airlifting them back to the base."

The visit:

We parked up and took the 45 minute walk from the car park to the plane. It is easy to get to and well worth the visit, even if it is popular. The plane is some sight, especially contrasting with the black sand. The plane is in the middle of no where, I wonder how many hours the crew walked for before they were picked up?
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A fellow of infinite jest
28DL Full Member
Well covered with the photos.

The plane was then forced to crash on a black sand beach at Sólheimasandur on the South Coast of Iceland, about an hour or so from Vik.

The plane is in the middle of no where, I wonder how many hours the crew walked for before they were picked up?

The navigator survived, he had a compass and they were 2km from a main road, so probably not that long. If it had been a challenging number of days or weeks, I think it would be on line, don't you?


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Well covered with the photos.

The navigator survived, he had a compass and they were 2km from a main road, so probably not that long. If it had been a challenging number of days or weeks, I think it would be on line, don't you?
Oh I had no idea that they had the navigator with them - the ring road in Iceland was opened in 1974, a year after the accident so I'm not sure if they would have been able to find a road that easily....

The Lone Ranger

Safety is paramount!
Staff member
Oh I had no idea that they had the navigator with them - the ring road in Iceland was opened in 1974, a year after the accident so I'm not sure if they would have been able to find a road that easily....

Military plane goes down, I'm sure the wait for rescue would have been very short tbh.

Looks as if it crashed half way though as 220 mile flight, 100 miles from it's destination.

Edit as I've just found this :thumb

"The crew hurried out of the plane, as they feared the plane might catch fire, as the fuel tanks had been damaged in the crash. The only things they grabbed with them were the first-aid kit and an old radio, dating back to WW2. Their earlier distress call had been picked up by a Hercules transport on route from Europe to Keflavík. The Naval base in Keflavík, as well as local ICE-SAR battalions had been alerted and a rescue operation was already being prepared when the plane crashed. The crew only had to wait an hour before a US rescue chopper from Keflavík reached them, airlifting them back to the base."
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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Military plane goes down, I'm sure the wait for rescue would have been very short tbh.

Looks as if it crashed half way though as 220 mile flight, 100 miles from it's destination.

Edit as I've just found this :thumb

"The crew hurried out of the plane, as they feared the plane might catch fire, as the fuel tanks had been damaged in the crash. The only things they grabbed with them were the first-aid kit and an old radio, dating back to WW2. Their earlier distress call had been picked up by a Hercules transport on route from Europe to Keflavík. The Naval base in Keflavík, as well as local ICE-SAR battalions had been alerted and a rescue operation was already being prepared when the plane crashed. The crew only had to wait an hour before a US rescue chopper from Keflavík reached them, airlifting them back to the base."
Cheers - I'll see if I know how to update it :)

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