Denaby Main Colliery Bath House
Visited alone.
To be honest I wasn't sure whether to post this one or not. It may be just a little too far gone for even the most hardened derp-lovers. To be fair, the building itself is quite interesting when put in context as part of South Yorkshires mining history and architecturally I think it has a certain charm.
Anyway, enough bullshit. Here's a very brief history of Denaby Main Colliery, courtesy of our learned friends at Wikipedia...
The main colliery site was situated on a strip of land between the River Don and the Doncaster to Sheffield railway line. After the pit closed, the site was completely flattened and is now home to the Dearne Valley Leisure Centre. The Colliery Bath House (being on the opposite side of the railway line) is the only colliery building remaining.
Inside, the only clues as to the buildings purpose are the tiled walls in many of the rooms. These wash rooms are found throughout the building. Unfortunately the whole place is completely stripped so there are no shower heads, taps, or plumbing of any kind.
One thing found in abundance though is graffiti. I do prefer my derps in their natural undecorated state, but if you appreciate a good 'piece' then the top floor of this place is something of a gallery. There are four large rooms with open roofs, each one adorned with some fairly impressive work.
Speaking of graffiti, this particular political piece made me smile. Denaby pit had already been closed for more than 10 years when Thatcher came to power...
Well, that's about your lot. Like I say it's very trashed, but it wasted an hour or so on a Saturday morning. If Admin decide the site has no merit, I'll completely understand if it gets moved to the pit. That being said, here's the obligatory window shot to sweeten the pot...
Ta very much
Visited alone.
To be honest I wasn't sure whether to post this one or not. It may be just a little too far gone for even the most hardened derp-lovers. To be fair, the building itself is quite interesting when put in context as part of South Yorkshires mining history and architecturally I think it has a certain charm.
Anyway, enough bullshit. Here's a very brief history of Denaby Main Colliery, courtesy of our learned friends at Wikipedia...
Around 1700 poor quality coal was found, close by the surface, just over the River Don from Mexborough and this, in time, led to the sinking of two shafts, in 1863, for Denaby Main Colliery Company, owned by Messrs Pope and Pearson. The Barnsley bed was reached in September 1867 at a depth of more than 422 yards. In 1893 the company also opened out Cadeby Main Colliery... Denaby Main colliery drew its last coal in 1968 and Cadeby Main in 1987.
The main colliery site was situated on a strip of land between the River Don and the Doncaster to Sheffield railway line. After the pit closed, the site was completely flattened and is now home to the Dearne Valley Leisure Centre. The Colliery Bath House (being on the opposite side of the railway line) is the only colliery building remaining.
Inside, the only clues as to the buildings purpose are the tiled walls in many of the rooms. These wash rooms are found throughout the building. Unfortunately the whole place is completely stripped so there are no shower heads, taps, or plumbing of any kind.
One thing found in abundance though is graffiti. I do prefer my derps in their natural undecorated state, but if you appreciate a good 'piece' then the top floor of this place is something of a gallery. There are four large rooms with open roofs, each one adorned with some fairly impressive work.
Speaking of graffiti, this particular political piece made me smile. Denaby pit had already been closed for more than 10 years when Thatcher came to power...
Well, that's about your lot. Like I say it's very trashed, but it wasted an hour or so on a Saturday morning. If Admin decide the site has no merit, I'll completely understand if it gets moved to the pit. That being said, here's the obligatory window shot to sweeten the pot...
Ta very much