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Dex Car Park, Newcastle - December 2018

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Not strictly abandoned (apologies if not allowed) but well worth a look around.


DEX Garage opened in the centre of Newcastle upon Tyne in 1931 in the ‘Art Deco’ style of the period. It is the oldest existing straight ramped multi-storey car park outside of London and the fourth oldest existing in England.
It originally included rest and washing facilities for Chauffers awaiting the conclusion of their employers’ business or entertainment in the city centre; a car lift and turntables to transport these large Chauffer-driven cars to an available parking space; washing, servicing and refuelling facilities as well as a new car showroom.
The 5-storey steel frame and reinforced concrete structure remains in use today as a city centre car park, with many of its original features remaining intact.

All photos taken on b&w film with my Pentax ME Super which has it's limitations, hoping to get back with my tripod and some colour film to capture more of the building as it has some really nice features.

Dex Car Park by James Brydon, on Flickr

Dex Car Park by James Brydon, on Flickr

Dex Car Park by James Brydon, on Flickr

Dex Car Park by James Brydon, on Flickr

Dex Car Park by James Brydon, on Flickr

Dex Car Park by James Brydon, on Flickr

Dex Car Park by James Brydon, on Flickr

Dex Car Park by James Brydon, on Flickr

Dex Car Park by James Brydon, on Flickr

Dex Car Park by James Brydon, on Flickr

Thanks for looking,


Chillin at the structure
Regular User
Yeah ratings for this tbh although it's not really ue it's a great piece of architecture in 'Castle. I remember sinking a few four packs on the roof back in late 2014. Love the film shots too.


subterranean explorer
Regular User
the worst & ugliest building in Newcastle,
should of been demo'd with the odeon ( but the odeon shouldn't of been demo'd)


Staff member
the worst & ugliest building in Newcastle,
should of been demo'd with the odeon ( but the odeon shouldn't of been demo'd)

It's an Art Deco building, what's not to like!

I like the pics, and I actually like the look of this place as it goes, good work and thanks for sharing :thumb

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