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Report - Donnington Garrison Riding Club

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This site appears to crop up on youtube every year or so. MOD donnington was built immediately prior to the second world war as a general supply and ordnance depot, away from London and the southeast. During the war it was massively expanded and at one stage had over 9,000 staff.
After the war is continued in its role and today still supplies the UK Army. It also holds stores for other parts of the government such as the NHS.
There are two barracks within the MOD site both of which are earmarked for closure by 2029.
The riding club comprises some very old buildings, I would hazard a guess at them being some of the originals. At some stage it seems to have been taken over by civilians.

The riding club closed down around 2007, rumour has it the MOD wanted the land back .. then just left it.
They took the time to erect a fence, which says a lot for the Army.
The explore itself was very relaxed and it's a beautiful place to spend an hour or so.


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Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Confused by the write up, I am probably not quite understanding properly. You said "After the war is continued in its role and today still supplies the UK Army. " & "There are two barracks within the MOD site both of which are earmarked for closure by 2029. "

But then say "The riding club closed down around 2007, rumour has it the MOD wanted the land back " So am I right in thinking that MOD Donnington has a riding school, that is disused but the rest of the site is active?

Also as above only one pic showing, so even more confused lol. Sorry, im sure the report is correct and the pics good, and Im being dumb


Confused by the write up, I am probably not quite understanding properly. You said "After the war is continued in its role and today still supplies the UK Army. " & "There are two barracks within the MOD site both of which are earmarked for closure by 2029. "

But then say "The riding club closed down around 2007, rumour has it the MOD wanted the land back " So am I right in thinking that MOD Donnington has a riding school, that is disused but the rest of the site is active?

Also as above only one pic showing, so even more confused lol. Sorry, im sure the report is correct and the pics good, and Im being dumb
I'm sorry if it wasn't very clear:
MOD Donnington was built immediately prior to the second world war as a general supply and ordnance depot, away from London and the southeast. During the war it was massively expanded and at one stage had over 9,000 staff. After the war it continued in its role and today still supplies the UK Army. It also holds stores for other parts of the government such as the NHS. It is still open.
The riding club closed down around 2007.
The two barracks on site are earmarked for closure.




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Stay Safe
Staff member
MoD Donnington (like MoD Bicester) has seen major changes over the years and more civilianisation in its workforce with less reliance on a military presence. Both Venning Barracks & Parsons Barracks now have little to do with the depot.

Defence Logistics is of vital importance for any military operation and, without it, operations could not be carried out and sustained. Logistics can be seen as the bridge between deployed forces and the industrial base, which produces the material and weapons deployed forces need to accomplish their mission.

MoD Donnington has been totally rebuilt into a state of the art ‘Defence Fulfilment Centre’, owned by the Ministry of Defence and operated by Team Leidos, and celebrates its fifth anniversary of operations. The riding centre was closed along with other older parts of the COD Donnington estate and will be disposed of in due course., probably when the the barracks finally close c2025 onwards with some of the land being retained and landscaped.


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