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Report - - Dorking DeepDene railway control centre / surrey / June 2021 | Underground Sites |

Report - Dorking DeepDene railway control centre / surrey / June 2021

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
cool little bunker its been my favourite one i have explored.


During World War 2, the Southern Railway took over the Deepdene Hotel near Dorking in Surrey for its wartime emergency headquarters. In the grounds they excavated an underground control centre taking advantage of a network of existing natural caves that had been acknowledged 300 years before in the diaries of John Evelyn. Because of the natural protection afforded by the location of the caves they were eminently suitable for the development of a bunker to house both the headquarters' telephone exchange and Traffic Control who also had their underground control centre there with underground divisional controls at Woking (South West Division), Southampton (Western Division), Orpington (South Eastern Division) and Redhill (Central Division)




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A Predisposed Tourist
Regular User
You have no actual pictures showing, and you could do with adding some history once you get the pics sorted


Queller of the uprising
To make this a stellar report, you need to include a little history and backstory on the location.

Also as suggested, work on your framing to show the location itself rather than individual details.

Have a read of this guide to help you posting a report for next time:

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