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Report - - Drain in Sherborne, Dorset. July 24 | UK Draining Forum |

Report - Drain in Sherborne, Dorset. July 24

Westcountry Explorer

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Months ago, whilst wading along the river near sherborne station, I spotted the exit point of a drainage system. I recently finally got round to having a look-see, see how far I could get along the tunnel.

The first bit was nice and roomy though still a crawl job. There were a couple of big drain covers that I went under; felt a bit weird looking up and seeing people walking by.

I soon reached a point where there were two double drainage tunnels, each set going off in slightly different directions. It was at this point where the tunnels got nice and snug; some might say claustrophobic lol.

I set off along the left hand set; I could be wrong but I think they go in the general direction of Sherborne Abbey. (Would be nice if there's a map of the system; I'd enjoy looking at it.) I managed to crawl what felt like a fair old distance before my way was blocked by a pipe going across the tunnel so had to turn round and come back.

On to the pics 😊












Just some of the pics I took 😊 One day I'll go back and explore the right hand drainage tunnel.

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Nice to see a different style of drain. It looks like it needs reinforcing in parts. Well done, good photos.

Westcountry Explorer

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Nice to see a different style of drain. It looks like it needs reinforcing in parts. Well done, good photos.

Back in 2016 there was one part that needed reinforcement work. As you've spotted, there's bits still that need some work doing.

I've just got round to emailing the local town council, asking if there's a map of the system. Would be nice if there is & I can get a copy.