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Information - Dudley Hippodrome Current Condition

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One Life. Derp It.
Regular User
Not really wiorth positing a proper report on this but I though't I'd share the current state of Dudley Hippodrome with you all. Based on a recent article from the Wolverhampton Express & Star the building may not be reduced to rubble as soon as we thought (Hippodrome campaigners call for rethink as university scheme hit by £3m shortfall) with the University's plans for the site falling short by £3 million. There have been contractors in the building In recent weeks stripping it and removing asbestos.










28DL Regular User
Regular User
Seems very peculiar, wonder if they have stripped the plasterwork to make it less desirable and push through demo?


One Life. Derp It.
Regular User
Could well be the case yeah.

It's a shame really there is certainly the community engagement to do something with it, but DBC seem intent on demoing it
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Mr Reality Hacker
28DL Full Member
Yea shame it was a shell but still worth a look matey. And atleast people know now. See ya soon m8ty