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Report - - East Finchley Substation - London (Feb 2019) | Other Sites |

Report - East Finchley Substation - London (Feb 2019)

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member

Couldn't find much online about it other than an Estate Agents description. Then I found some old threads on it and realised nobody discovered much else about it. So here is the description:

The site extends to approximately 0.44 acres (0.178 hectares). The boundaries are marked for indication purposes on the attached Ordnance Survey extract. The site slopes gently from north west to south east. The site comprises a redundant substation building which is well set back from the road. We understand it was constructed in c.1939. It is arranged over basement, ground and two upper floors (in part) beneath a fl at roof. Its use as a substation ceased in 2000 and it has since been vacant. The building is in a dilapidated internal condition and all plant has been removed. The remainder of the site comprises open yard space


I bumped into this the other day after having a decent mooch in those abandoned mansions nearby. I wasn't sure what it was initially as it is relatively sparse inside but I thought it must have been railway related as it is so close to the station/track. A Google search for 'East Finchley substation' made it clear that, that is exactly what it was. Access is a walk in but I didn't spend long inside as the ground floors are pitch black and I felt I might pass out from the volume of pigeon poo. Also photos were taken on a mix of my phone and my camera (only had the 45mm with me) so some are a bit grainy












Thanks for looking!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Not a bad effort thanks for the update. I remember hanging around it for ages waiting for some council workers to bugger off only to find it totally sealed mind this was 3 or 4 years ago.

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