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Report - Egryn WW2 pill box

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victor 1965

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Hi, this my first post so sorry if not much info, I drive past hear every day and finally took a look, it's north of Barmouth and can be seen from the road, just past the norbar on the left,


This pillbox overlooks the railway and the western approach from the sea. It has a flat roof and lintels of reinforced concrete, and is disguised as a small dwelling by the addition of a false gable and chimney. Built on a concrete plinth, it has 6 gunloops, two in the front, two in the rear, and one at each end. Each loop is fitted with concrete 'shutters' that can only be opened and closed from inside.




Regular User
I see no reason to apologise for making an effort to post useful content ;)

Seems to be in excellent condition apart from the spalling of the bricks. Not bad for something that wasn't 'meant' to last so long. Of the thousands of pillboxes still around very few are designed to look like a normal piece of infrastructure like this one was. Well worth a visit and a short report.

It's quite possible that further records of its construction might exist in the local archives either in local defence notes or in Council minutes. The few records like that generally don't have a lot of detail but can have information about who built it (engineering corps, local labour well as other defences planned nearby - giving a broader picture of things like defence lines).

victor 1965

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
It's in great condition to be fair, the area is littered in spitfire bullets so there was activity of some sort in the area. Il have to try local archives ect.


28DL Regular User
Regular User
That’s a sweet little first report. I love when pillboxes are integrated in to buildings and such. We have a few in Norfolk. One in a house on the corner of the road in a town called Acle. And built into the old Bromholm Priory near Walcott on the coast. There is also one built into a wind pump on the Broads.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
We've seen a fair few different pillboxes ...but this is a first...I've not seen this design before. Thank you πŸ‘πŸ‘