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Report - - Engelhard Industrial Estate - Cinderford - May 2021 | Industrial Sites |

Report - Engelhard Industrial Estate - Cinderford - May 2021

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28DL Member
28DL Member

This is my first report so please accept my apologies if i've done something wrong. I've done my best to follow the post guidelines!

The site is split up into several industrial sites, some in use; some not. In this explore we explored the two buildings below:

The Ensors building was reportedly in use until around 2013. There are mixed reports, but it seems to have been used as a meat processing plant in combination with some education facilities. A previous report suggests that it had some association with Hartpury College. Some of the rooms are very classroom-like which seem to support this claim. At some point in either 2020 or 2021, some kids were seen bringing petrol into the site, and set the room that was the canteen ablaze.

The Engelhard section of the industrial estate seems to have been left somewhere between 2000-2005, having been used since the 60s as a biscuit factory for a couple of years until Engelhard started using the site for precious metal refinery. I couldn't find too much else but the history has been covered here on the forums quite a few times.

We parked the car on one of the streets around the area and walked via a public footpath to the side of the Ensors building. Previous reports suggested that this was a walk-in affair but given the recent fire at the site, someone had gone to some effort to board up every hole in the fence, and fill in every window, door and hatch into the lower levels. We eventually used some local help in the form of a few kids who had gotten in, who advised us the only way was to hop the fence! Once inside the perimeter, entering the two buildings was extremely easy.

The interiors of both places we visited were pretty trashed. Pretty much all drywall has been smashed through, leaving only the wood frames. That being said, they're both a decent size with a lot to look at. The Engelhard unit was probably the more interesting of the two, mainly for the two basement levels which still contain a lot of equipment and signage and a pipe tunnel that appears to lead underneath some of the active parts of the facility. A lovely explore if you don't mind peeling paint and the prepubescent local wildlife.

You have my partner to thank for the photos!











Bonus shot at the end here of the now fire-damaged canteen within the Ensors building. The guys who we found at the site seemed to suggest the blaze was set at some point in 2020 or 2021 by a couple local kids.

Also some of the basement areas were pure nightmare fuel! (Apologies for the focus here)



I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
The Engelhard refinery is a pretty cool site, all of the best stuff is in the lower levels though - some lovely old machinery and decay down there.