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Report - - Ennis Leisure LTD showroom, Cross Hands - Jan 2023 | Industrial Sites |

Report - Ennis Leisure LTD showroom, Cross Hands - Jan 2023

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
A quick trip to get the car fixed at mechanic this morning took us to a town called Cross Hands. As we waited for it we went for a little walk and came across here by chance, being next to a busy road we looked for a way around the back from a footpath but with no avail and multiple slipovers later, we had to enter the grounds from the front!

Now on the showroom itself I can't find any information on it other than a photo from when it was in use on the companies facebook and if it wasn't for the word Ennis barely seeable on the front i wouldnt have even realised it was owned by the caravan company! This said I plan to email them and ask about it and if i do get a response i will edit my thread/add more info in the comments!
However the company itself is family ran and in the 3rd generation, started in the late 1940s. Begining life as a motercycle repair company and soon moving onto the sale of caravans, from a read of the filing history, I think they changed the company name to Ennis Caravan Ltd in 1994! The company still runs today just across the road and looking at their page, they seem to have some lovely stock to choose from!

pretty design on the old flooring




The only the finest peally walls,









And to top it off, to my knowledge this is what it looked like in its hayday!


I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
Myself and @Landie_Man poked our heads in here a year or so ago when staying in Cross Hands and didn't think it worth sticking around at all, you've managed to polish a turd here somewhat!
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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Myself and @Landie_Man poked our heads in here a year or so ago when staying in Cross Hands and didn't think it worth sticking around at all, you've managed to polish a turd here somewhat!
There's definately not a lot to go with at all there. Hence all the super close shots as for every one nice looking one i had 5 pointless ones 😅

Has an asbestos warning, so I cannot find anyone willing to redevelop the site
Intresting, thank you for letting me know! Ah yes definately 2023 thank you... i've just lost a bet with my partner that I would date my first current explore wrong though oops