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Report - - Ex Holiday Inn Hotel-Kensington,London - February 2024 | High Stuff |

Report - Ex Holiday Inn Hotel-Kensington,London - February 2024

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
After saying we’ll go to this place, me and @ACTIV just had to make it happen…


The Climb In:

We put on our gloves, hooded and masked up.And we jumped over the fence, in a matter of seconds we we’re in…

We slowly moved closer to the way in, looking out for security and german shepherds.As we saw on the sign outside, warning us about them.

Anyways, we get inside and start looking for the stairs up.

We climb up around 40 flights of stairs, as silent as we could possibly be.
And eventually make it up to the roof.

Here is where things start getting interesting…

While taking some pictures from the roof, we both heard loud footsteps coming from behind a wall.
We quickly ran and hid behind a wall, there we saw a ladder that lead to a metal scaffolding.
I climbed up on it but @ACTIV was too scared of heights and waited for me there.

The pictures:

Not a lot to take pictures of the inside, average building under construction…







The view:




And pics of me:



The escape:

We quickly went down the 40 flights of stairs, got out the parking lot and sprinted for the fence.
Quick climb over it and we were out.

In and out, unseen.

Quick celebration!

Got and the bus and dipped…



28DL Member
28DL Member
Never climbed up that high ever i got so shaky and jumpy i was hugging the wall just seeing how far down the ledge was gave me the creeps and the metal ladder after it had no railing any tips on dealing with the height fear missed out on my own good pics.


O high
Staff member
Never climbed up that high ever i got so shaky and jumpy i was hugging the wall just seeing how far down the ledge was gave me the creeps and the metal ladder after it had no railing any tips on dealing with the height fear missed out on my own good pics.
Good on you for doing it though - always good to face fears like that (IMO anyway)


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
A couple of those pics of the landscape were top quality (minus the shit quality of most of them haha). I love being up so high in places like that, feels like you're on top of the fucking world! This is my biggest and most favourite so far (not sure how this site will display it as it's a panorama), but looks like yours was higher! I was desperate to see if I could make myself sit on / walk across the edge like you did but it was like midnight and I didn't trust myself due to adrenaline and tiredness. Respect the balls! And to your mate asking how to overcome the fear - my advice for generally conquering fear is to just keep exposing yourself to it. Eventually you'll realise the walls won't crumble and it's only your own psychology which is the barrier. But what do I know, I'm clearly a pussy cus I couldn't manage it this time :rofl



28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
A couple of those pics of the landscape were top quality (minus the shit quality of most of them haha). I love being up so high in places like that, feels like you're on top of the fucking world! This is my biggest and most favourite so far (not sure how this site will display it as it's a panorama), but looks like yours was higher! I was desperate to see if I could make myself sit on / walk across the edge like you did but it was like midnight and I didn't trust myself due to adrenaline and tiredness. Respect the balls! And to your mate asking how to overcome the fear - my advice for generally conquering fear is to just keep exposing yourself to it. Eventually you'll realise the walls won't crumble and it's only your own psychology which is the barrier. But what do I know, I'm clearly a pussy cus I couldn't manage it this time :rofl

We’re going to a even taller place next, this was just practice for me and him.
He better get over his fear quickly😅

Oh and the shitty quality of some of the pics were due to shaky hands.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
A couple of those pics of the landscape were top quality (minus the shit quality of most of them haha). I love being up so high in places like that, feels like you're on top of the fucking world! This is my biggest and most favourite so far (not sure how this site will display it as it's a panorama), but looks like yours was higher! I was desperate to see if I could make myself sit on / walk across the edge like you did but it was like midnight and I didn't trust myself due to adrenaline and tiredness. Respect the balls! And to your mate asking how to overcome the fear - my advice for generally conquering fear is to just keep exposing yourself to it. Eventually you'll realise the walls won't crumble and it's only your own psychology which is the barrier. But what do I know, I'm clearly a pussy cus I couldn't manage it this time :rofl

We’ll,we went back.We’re about to do a very tall building next.And felt that @ACTIV needed more practice with heights.
He ended up standing on the edge,me on the other hand…







We’ll yeah, i practiced a bit.
Be back with a new post soon!


One Life. Derp It.
Regular User
We’ll,we went back.We’re about to do a very tall building next.And felt that @ACTIV needed more practice with heights.
He ended up standing on the edge,me on the other hand…







We’ll yeah, i practiced a bit.
Be back with a new post soon!
Lovely view of the city that


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
That first pic on the new post of you perched on the edge with the city in the background is fucking insane, dude. Mad props. And props to your mate for having the balls to overcome his fear.

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