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Report - - Fairfield Halls, Croydon - April 2018 | Theatres and Cinemas |

Report - Fairfield Halls, Croydon - April 2018

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Fairfield Halls is an arts, entertainment and conference centre located in Croydon. The venue has a concert hall seating up to 1801 people, a Theatre called the Ashcroft Theatre that seats up to 755 people, and the Arnhem Gallery used for standing concerts of up to 400 which had been built in 2014. Since opening in 1962 Fairfield halls has had many famous acts perform including Stevie Wonder, the Beatles, Pink Floyd, Queen, Chuck Berry and more.

Fairfield Halls closed in July 2016 to do a £30 million redevelopment that was planned to last two years into 2018, but recently has been pushed back to 2019. In these refurbishments the Arnhem Gallery built in 2014 has been almost completely demolished and concert hall seatings have been removed. Some of the changes to Fairfield Halls includes a more open foyer area and a relocated bar.

The Explore:
Huge thanks to my Urbex Tour Guide @Olkka for showing me this place, it was an incredible explore and wouldn't have been able to do it without him. The explore itself was about an hour long. This place was huge and open with it being completely stripped of everything. As it's a still active building site all lights in the building were on, making some parts of the explore tricky to hide from the large glass floor-to-ceiling windows on the staircases that viewed directly out onto the busy main road. We then visited the main auditorium which was entirely covered with scaffolding and then up some winding stair cases to storage rooms and crawl spaces above the auditorium. After this we made our way down into the Ashcroft theatre and pretty much wrapped it up there.























Thanks for reading my report!
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Chillin at the structure
Regular User
As building sites go: fun af. Rafter game is strong! More seshes to come over summer g


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Thanks for this great report. I have many memories of this place, right back to when it was first opened. My Mother loved watching wrestling on TV and she was so thrilled when l took her to see live shows of wrestling in Fairfield Hall in the 1960s. She used to think it was genuine! So many varied shows and events ... hard to believe it's all been stripped right back. Hope the ghosts of long-gone artistes, stars and performers don't wander around this much loved Croydon venue; they would surely wail and groan in sorrow. Great photos! Best wishes, George.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Thanks for this great report. I have many memories of this place, right back to when it was first opened. My Mother loved watching wrestling on TV and she was so thrilled when l took her to see live shows of wrestling in Fairfield Hall in the 1960s. She used to think it was genuine! So many varied shows and events ... hard to believe it's all been stripped right back. Hope the ghosts of long-gone artistes, stars and performers don't wander around this much loved Croydon venue; they would surely wail and groan in sorrow. Great photos! Best wishes, George.
Haha yeah there's still actually quite a bit of character hidden in between little holes and crevasses hinting at its previously exciting past. Hopefully the new changes will restore it back to its old grand reputation.


Davey E

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Jesus what are they doing to the Fairfield Halls! A place i went to often when living in Croydon. It was a bit old fashioned but had charm and i am not sure it needed this type of refurb for 30 million when the council is supposed to be cash strapped!! Thanks for the post.

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