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Report - - Falcon Pottery / JH Weatherby, Stoke on Trent, Nov15 | Industrial Sites |

Report - Falcon Pottery / JH Weatherby, Stoke on Trent, Nov15

The Wombat

Mr Wombat
28DL Full Member
The outside of this place may not be that inspiring, and the first few rooms were full of smashed pottery and leaking roofs... But this rapidly improved and we enjoyed nearly a couple of hours exploring this ramshackle multi story rabbit warren of a factory loaded with giant ovens, machines & unbroken pottery.

Not the most successful day trip out to Stoke on Trent, but it was a fun day out with KM Punk, JuJu & Lost Explorer. Thanks to Auntieknickers for help with this one.

The Falcon Works Hanley, was owned by J. H. Weatherby & Sons Ltd who established a works on site in 1891. The works originally specialized in earthenware but later went on to produce fine porcelain. The former extant hovel kiln may date from the 1890s. The inner kiln has probably been renewed a few times since, and is likely to be dated mid 20th Century.

Originally the works had 5 kilns, but 3 were relocated to the southern end of the site in 1906, when the firm expanded. Included within this expansion, the front of the site was added providing a new façade to the main street. Before the construction of Potteries Way, the street(now called Old Town Road) was the main road north out of Hanely and was lined with many small potteries.
The firm continued to grow slowly between and after the wars, first branching into hotelwares, then later collectables. By the 1970s the firm’s expansion was hindered by planning control and by 2000 the works finally closed. At its height the works employed 200, by 2000 it employed 10.




floor was dicey, & icey here


loaded with pottery




This is one of the giant ovens

and this is inside
I'm sure it went up to unthinkable temperatures in there



thanks for looking

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