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Report - - Fiddlers Ferry Power Station - Widnes - June 2020 | UK Power Stations |

Report - Fiddlers Ferry Power Station - Widnes - June 2020

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Got Epic Slow?
Regular User
Just in case you hadn't seen enough of this place spunked across the web recently.... I feel a little bit late to the party but not because of any youtubers antics. I think more explorers did this station when it was still live than have been since it closed lol! Fiddlers has to be one of the easiest, if not the easiest of the stations ive had the pleasure of visiting, shit security, very few cameras, crap fence. It has only recently got a bit harder than a 'walk in' due to goon exposure troubles but its nothing that wont stop anyone with half a brain getting in for a look. This one is all about the turbine hall, the boiler house is ok but nothing to shout about, the control room has been totally modernised and there was a distinct lack of dated signs or anything like that to keep me interested.. 4 lesser spotted English Electric turbines in a row tho!

Might go back one day and check out some of the ancillary areas. I hear the gas turbine house is quite nice!
















Ignorant Youth
Finally. I'm glad to see it on here.
Shame it's been publicly plastered everywhere. Was inevitable with the security situation though I suppose.
I do like the colours in this one.

Terminal Decline

28DL Regular User
Regular User
Gutted the English Electric turbine casing was removed long before closure, the pipes and stuff may be nice, but as with Uskmouth the turbine finish isn't that aesthetic once you pull off the sleek and well polished covers. The plan of the boiler house is quite interesting and unusual here with the coal hoppers and PF mills in two rows, perpendicular to the precipitators.


Got Epic Slow?
Regular User
Gutted the English Electric turbine casing was removed long before closure, the pipes and stuff may be nice, but as with Uskmouth the turbine finish isn't that aesthetic once you pull off the sleek and well polished covers. The plan of the boiler house is quite interesting and unusual here with the coal hoppers and PF mills in two rows, perpendicular to the precipitators.

Yeh, really easy to get lost!


Got Epic Slow?
Regular User
I did spot a few hand painted level signs dotted about but nothing worth a photo. In contrast Eggbrough and a few other had epic signs where ever you looked! Its funny really there wasn't even many modern signs in there. It was hard to know which unit you was in which is quite unusual.


g00n Buster
Staff member
Nice mate. Good to finally see a report on it. Really shoulda got in here before my ban came in. It’s a shame it’s been so whored out the turbine hall looks pretty mega.


Let's do this ting
Regular User
Bloody nice set of turbines there. And I’d said that’s a rather nice boiler house personally. Nice job