(This is my first report so dont expect much. If there are any questions or tips just DM me. Enjoy)
(I couldn't find much history, sources: Derelict London)
Situated in the London Borough of Barnet almost on the border with Hertfordshire this sports facility started out as the post-war Stirling Corner Sports Ground. By 1955 it was known as the Finsbury Memorial Sports Centre and a pavilion had been built (officially opened by the Duke of Edinburgh) and maps from around this period show tennis courts, football pitches, a running track, a bowling green and a caretaker's bungalow. The site was owned by the Metropolitan Police, but the facilities were open to the public. However, it closed in the 1980s and the 32 acre site is now heavily overgrown and barely recognisable with only the large abandoned pavilion standing out in all its derelict glory and a magnate for graffiti artists, urban explorers and party goers.
The site acts as a green wedge between Borehamwood and Barnet and is within an area set aside by the borough for the Watling Chase Community Forest environmental initiative which is an obstacle for any development in the future. A private company now own the site but have not made it known of their plans for it. When Barnet FC when looking to move from Underhill looked at the possibility of developing this land for a new stadium, the owners were unwilling to consider selling.
Being met with rain a few days prior, my original plans were cancelled. After Randomly recalling that this hidden gem exists, I called up 2 of my friends and set out quickly. hoped on a bus and drove off. the journey there wasn't bad at all. had to change buses but that didn't really concern us knowing we weren't in need of bus money and would have to resort walking there for a few hours. Suddenly We were met with a fence. thinking we had to climb over, we started wondering if we went here for no reason (We knew this trip was too good to be true. A bus stopping really close to it? Must be a dream). if we just looked a bit to our right. A huge entrance, shining in all its glory. Calling out to us. Hurriedly we started booking appointments to the opticians.
The small walk to the building was quite nice, we were met with wild shopping carts grazing in the fields and heaps of rubbish everywhere. After being questioned for half an hour by my friends wondering if I know were I'm going, we finally saw our destination.
(I couldn't find much history, sources: Derelict London)
Situated in the London Borough of Barnet almost on the border with Hertfordshire this sports facility started out as the post-war Stirling Corner Sports Ground. By 1955 it was known as the Finsbury Memorial Sports Centre and a pavilion had been built (officially opened by the Duke of Edinburgh) and maps from around this period show tennis courts, football pitches, a running track, a bowling green and a caretaker's bungalow. The site was owned by the Metropolitan Police, but the facilities were open to the public. However, it closed in the 1980s and the 32 acre site is now heavily overgrown and barely recognisable with only the large abandoned pavilion standing out in all its derelict glory and a magnate for graffiti artists, urban explorers and party goers.
The site acts as a green wedge between Borehamwood and Barnet and is within an area set aside by the borough for the Watling Chase Community Forest environmental initiative which is an obstacle for any development in the future. A private company now own the site but have not made it known of their plans for it. When Barnet FC when looking to move from Underhill looked at the possibility of developing this land for a new stadium, the owners were unwilling to consider selling.
Being met with rain a few days prior, my original plans were cancelled. After Randomly recalling that this hidden gem exists, I called up 2 of my friends and set out quickly. hoped on a bus and drove off. the journey there wasn't bad at all. had to change buses but that didn't really concern us knowing we weren't in need of bus money and would have to resort walking there for a few hours. Suddenly We were met with a fence. thinking we had to climb over, we started wondering if we went here for no reason (We knew this trip was too good to be true. A bus stopping really close to it? Must be a dream). if we just looked a bit to our right. A huge entrance, shining in all its glory. Calling out to us. Hurriedly we started booking appointments to the opticians.
The small walk to the building was quite nice, we were met with wild shopping carts grazing in the fields and heaps of rubbish everywhere. After being questioned for half an hour by my friends wondering if I know were I'm going, we finally saw our destination.
Like I mentioned before, it rained a few days prior so entering from the back meant we had to venture threw a miniature swamp (a little puddle and a lot of mud surrounding the building). My friends weren't so happy about that...
Since this is one of few abandoned buildings ive explored ive been blown away. who knew such things would be around my area. Going in we notice it was quite wet... by that I mean the basement was flooded and everything had quite obvious signs that it rained heavily. We also bumped into 4 other people. Seems like its a quite popular spot amongst locals but they didn't bother us and we didn't bother them so no problem with that. There are many ways of entering the building but of course we were feeling a bit venturous (blind) and decided to take the muddiest most slipperiest route ever. I must say it was quite a breathtaking sight and was definitely worth the muddy shoes.
(Also edited)
(Edited picture of my friend doing a kickflip)
Our original plan was to go skate but with the condition of our local skatepark we saw this best fit. to make the best of our time there and the fact we hauled our skateboards there and back we decided to take photos of ourselves doing tricks (well my friends since skating is the bane of my existence and may be my cause of death someday).
"There's a nice view of the surroundings from the second floor but how would it look from the roof?" I thought to myself. After a few years of searching for a way to get up there. i finally found a way, it was quite hard since there was little to no holds i could grab and i was pretty much climbing a flat wall but in the end i felt like the next Adam Ondra. little did i know. it was a one way.... well i realised that when i found myself on the roof. The view was amazing nevertheless but for a while I thought I had come here by bus and would have left in an ambulance with broken legs. My friends took some nice pictures of me and they are nice to look at without the tragic backstory. Luckily. i found a way down... i contemplated it for a while but i just told myself "fuck it" and threw myself down a hole in the roof into a puddle which covered me head to toe. I eventually emerged victorious drenched in water making my friends think i went for a nice little swim in the basement.
The journey back wasn't bad. luck was on our side. bus came within a few minutes and skated a few spots down by Barnet.
I think it was quite a successful adventure if you ask me. I do heavily recommend and i will be visiting it again to get some better photos.
Thank you for reading
Our original plan was to go skate but with the condition of our local skatepark we saw this best fit. to make the best of our time there and the fact we hauled our skateboards there and back we decided to take photos of ourselves doing tricks (well my friends since skating is the bane of my existence and may be my cause of death someday).
"There's a nice view of the surroundings from the second floor but how would it look from the roof?" I thought to myself. After a few years of searching for a way to get up there. i finally found a way, it was quite hard since there was little to no holds i could grab and i was pretty much climbing a flat wall but in the end i felt like the next Adam Ondra. little did i know. it was a one way.... well i realised that when i found myself on the roof. The view was amazing nevertheless but for a while I thought I had come here by bus and would have left in an ambulance with broken legs. My friends took some nice pictures of me and they are nice to look at without the tragic backstory. Luckily. i found a way down... i contemplated it for a while but i just told myself "fuck it" and threw myself down a hole in the roof into a puddle which covered me head to toe. I eventually emerged victorious drenched in water making my friends think i went for a nice little swim in the basement.
The journey back wasn't bad. luck was on our side. bus came within a few minutes and skated a few spots down by Barnet.
I think it was quite a successful adventure if you ask me. I do heavily recommend and i will be visiting it again to get some better photos.
Thank you for reading