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Report - - Five ways tower, Birmingham - April 2019 | High Stuff |

Report - Five ways tower, Birmingham - April 2019

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Five ways tower used to be an old office block in central Birmingham, by the five ways round about. The 23 storey building was completed in 1979 however it was abandoned when a large amount of the workers kept on falling ill. Known as sick building syndrome this is caused by poor ventilation and recycling air but needless to say the place is haunted.

My first attempt at getting in was unsuccessful, being chased off by police dogs (the building is sometimes used to train them so be aware) however i returned again a few months later and managed to find an entrance. For those thinking if trying this run I would strongly advise against it as it was by far the most difficult and most dangerous building to get into, leaving me with some very bad injuries on the way out. but if you are thinking of giving it a shot you have to be quite small, good with heights, not be claustrophobic, and have a very good upper body strength.

There are one or two main stairways that head up through the building, each floor is basically the same mess of broken plasterboard and glass but there are a few bathrooms and cupboards. It gets much more interesting moving up towards the roof.


On the upper floors the lift shaft becomes visible (watch out) as well as a bunch of old machinery


The ventilation system is exposed right at the top, it was completely flooded when we visited as parts of this floor are exposed to the elements.




The best part of this building though is definitely the views from the top:







Definitely an extremely difficult visit, on our way out we noticed a police car outside and so had to take a dodgy exit which lead to me falling on a spiked fence. We eventually left by sneaking through a private office building with a badger friend we found, just as the building was waking up to the early morning. either way definitely worthwhile.



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Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
After just viewing your rat hole thread I realised you posted both on same day so apologies, you probably posted the Rat hole post first. This has great views, just one little thing, I wouldnt mention hauntings, ghosts or anything of that nature on here. It isnt taken well.

Apart from that good report again :thumb


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
After just viewing your rat hole thread I realised you posted both on same day so apologies, you probably posted the Rat hole post first. This has great views, just one little thing, I wouldnt mention hauntings, ghosts or anything of that nature on here. It isnt taken well.

Apart from that good report again :thumb

Yeah I was a bit confused at first, just assumed the photos weren't up to standard. And thanks for the advice, will keep it in mind :)

Unknown rsl

28DL Member
28DL Member
Five ways was my favourite place loved it on the roof always,got chased out by a homeless man with a crowbar but I've done about 6 over nights there just for fun,really loved it but theyve been planning to knock it down for a while now and theyve knocked everything on the inside down so nothing left to see but the view from the roof is incredible,theres no ways in anymore theyve all been boarded and that's from myself and many sources telling me,and it's to be knocked down soon...


Regular User
first tower I did in Birmingham this, you used to slide down the fire hose on the way out ha! nice one!

Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
Yeah I did this around the same time (fire hose it was) wouldnt say it was exceptionally difficult one, was a little bit like the krypton factor for us figuring it out though lol

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