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Question - Former Central Cinema - Hobson Street - Cambridge

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28DL Member
28DL Member
Hi all,
I was wondering if anyone would be able to do an urban explore in the former central cinema located on Hobson Street in Cambridge, United Kingdom?

The building interests me as it was a former bingo hall and i’d love the chance to see what it looks like inside now. I know it has been previously explored but this was when it was occupied by squatters some years ago.


Got Epic Slow?
Regular User
I've not been able to get in any time I've looked. One of those where anything other than a blatant break in by someone is going to get you in.


Surprisingly Unsurprising
Regular User
I've had this in my sights for a little while now with it being fairly local.
Someone did do it a few years back, Google will give more details, but after it was squatted the owners have been more keen on security.

The short answer, head into Cambridge and have look.


Staff member
Looked at it in 2015, many times. Difficult any time of day and potential access points are limited.

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