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Found an abandoned estate stable block in the woods in Sussex 16th July 2019 | Photo Threads |

Found an abandoned estate stable block in the woods in Sussex 16th July 2019

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Muppet extraordinaire
ndoned stables
Screenshot 2019-07-16 at 22.00.13.jpg

Screenshot 2019-07-16 at 22.44.03.jpg


Muppet extraordinaire
Great find. Drones are a really great tool in discovering new places like this. Looking forward to seeing your report...
I managed to find a way into the inner sanctum today...with DSLR and tripod plus gimballed camera and am also going back tomorrow as I noticed a way into one of the buildings on my footage from earlier. I was in a hurry today as had to collect my daughter from school and also heard somebody else trying to find a way in there....and have now managed to find who it was on FB in an abandoned we might be meeting up tomorrow for a joint explore which will be nice hopefully.


Muppet extraordinaire
IT IS NEAR TO HASTINGS ON THE RYE ROAD A259, JUST BEFORE THE PRIVATE SCHOOL...OH SHIT....sorry for shouting :[ there is a football ground turning to park in just after the woods and an easy walk down the footpath where you will find the outside wall...round to the right through the bushes and you will find places to jump the fence as it is a 3 sided structure...


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