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Report - - Four Abandoned Pubs in & around the Midlands (Vol II) – March 2020 | Leisure Sites |

Report - Four Abandoned Pubs in & around the Midlands (Vol II) – March 2020

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28DL Regular User
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The last dregs of the pre-lockdown explores… Following on from Decembers’ Volume 1, I thought I’d follow it up with four more stinkers from the month of March.

The White Hart, West Hallam, Ilkeston, Derbyshire


A recently closed quaint little pub on the edge of Ilkeston, soon to be demolished and replaced with ‘7 spacious and distinctive 4 and 5 bedroom homes’. The new development will be called ‘White Hart’ in honour of the former pub which has existed since at least the late 19th century. Nice to see all the beer pumps present and correct! I think this place has now been burned by the local idiots.








The Blacksmiths Arms, Marchington, Uttoxeter, Staffordshire


Last closed its doors in 2012 and has had some planning applications to convert it into two homes. The electric is still on, so being able to coax the bar lights into life was a nice surprise! The residential part of the building is well blocked off from the derp bar, so dunno whether someone’s living in that bit?

I think this place is locally famous for having been almost completely destroyed by being crashed into by two cars in the space of two months back in 2009 during a brief closure.




Hand painted water colour picture of the pub from 2009






The incident involving the car!


The Miners Rest, Cheadle, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire


Originally called ‘The Pig & Whistle’ in an 1871 census, this long-standing public house has been empty since 2012. Several failed planning applications have been lodged, all of them rejected on the grounds that the applicant ‘had failed to demonstrate that there was insufficient demand for the pub as a community facility’.







The Travellers Inn, Attercliffe, Sheffield, South Yorkshire


Can’t really dig anything up about this one. Been closed about ten years – total wreck inside. This one was spied by a fellow explorer from the roof of the nearby Adelphi theatre, so after failing there we nipped over the road for a look.





Cheers for looking.



28DL Regular User
Regular User
Some good ones there.. was this really what it said ‘had failed to demonstrate that there was insufficient demand....' ?

Apparently, according to, not quite sure of the logic behind it myself!

After a period of struggling to stay open; in October 2012 plans were submitted to the Staffordshire Moorlands District Council to develop the building and the connected land into one commercial unit and sixteen flats. The plans went public in November and the planning permission is still pending, Cheadle Town Council recommended refusal of the plans; a petition against the proposal containing 522 names was also received.

The plans were also rejected by the Staffordshire Moorlands District Council during February 2013, it was reported in the Cheadle and Tean Times that “they felt the applicant had failed to demonstrate that there was insufficient demand for the pub as a community facility”.

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Nice compilation.
First two have some good bits inside, and not totalled. Lots of memorabilia around. Nice touch that hand painted portrait, surprised someone didn't take it as a reminder. Real shame about the 1871, The Pig & Whistle I like the name, over its changed name.


28DL Regular User
28DL Full Member
For pubs that's very nice, never stop at them in all honesty since all the ones I have in the past been dumps but the second could easily be renovated (all though it does sound like abit of an accident black spot!) nice report mate.


28DL Regular User
Regular User
For pubs that's very nice, never stop at them in all honesty since all the ones I have in the past been dumps but the second could easily be renovated (all though it does sound like abit of an accident black spot!) nice report mate.

Thanks mate, the dumps outnumber the non-dumps to be fair!


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Great quartet there @MotionlessMike
Those first two are a bit special. Know the Sheff one but never had a nosey. Fab photography as always...

P.S. don't let any Sheffielder catch you describing the Steel City as being in the Midlands ;)

Thanks mate. I think the Sheff one satisfied the 'around' the Midlands part rather than 'in'. Besides, I needed four haha.

Baggy trousers

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Great post that! Every time I see a closed pub on my travels they are always trashed and not worth the bother so it's nice to see some untrashed ones. Nice pics, especially like the one with the car embedded into it, kinda makes you wonder how fast such a small car was going to make such a mess!!

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