Fylde Farm Part 1 - Dales House (Secure Unit)
Following on from a lead about this place being posted and as I had no other plans for the weekend so I decided to take a trip over. There was talk of big fences, (in)famous past residents etc etc which made it sound like quite an interesting site, sadly its not quite all that, to say its trashed is an understatement, it is totally beyond repair, there is not a window left in the place and seems to be the place to be seen for all the local bored youths, we saw 2 riding up and down the track on a motorbike - oh and then attempting to ride said bike inside the building, then we also saw 2 girls also being chased into the building who somehow later managed to get themselves locked in the building and had to be rescued by the local police

The place is that trashed I was tempted to not post this report, but decided I may as well, just in case any of you are thinking of heading over there just to see it as it may give you second thoughts.
All I could find about the place is the following:-
"Dales House and its relating buildings (Cheshire House, Lancashire House, Fylde House) were built to House young Males in the Care or Prison System between the ages of 12-18. Dales House was a secure unit which took young offenders and was also the home of Mr John Venables for some time. The other Houses were to house young males within the care system who could live a routine lifestyle under the care of care workers etc. Closed 2002."
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P.S - Sorry for taking away a couple of minutes of your life looking at this report, which sadly, you will not be able to get back.
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