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Report - - Girl's High School, Leeds - October 2015 | Other Sites |

Report - Girl's High School, Leeds - October 2015

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One Life. Derp It.
Regular User
October 2015

The Location

This one has been on my list of places to visit for a very long time, and by the looks of it I made it just in time as the builders have begun gutting the place :(. They have also begun building on the the field in front of the main building so it won't be to long until this place has been converted to 'luxury' flats. However it did still present a few interesting and surprising qualities. The top floor has relatively been left untouched since it's days as the science department. But the most exciting part of this is that its a 'Double Whammy' a School and a Hospital in one (even if it is a fake hospital :rolleyes:), One moment you're in a hospital corridor then you are in a chemistry lab. Parts of the main building have already been demolished, there is a large section at the back (that was used in the production of Monroe as the 'Thompson Wing') has now almost disappeared. The school closed back in 2012 ending its 108 year history and was merged into the local boys school. Then in early 2010 ITV expressed an interest in the location and turning it in to what it hoped would successfully replace The Bill. Then in late June that year work began on converting it into a hospital.

It took about 8 weeks to convert it into what was now called 'St. Matthews Hospital' basically all they did was give areas a fresh coat of paint and add a few walls. Production then began on 26th September 2010. But this was to be short-lived, as this was then canceled in 2012 meaning that producers Mammoth Screen churned out 12 episodes spread across 2 series. The building then sat empty again. Work has now started on converting the school into apartments and several houses are currently being build on the grass land at the front of the school. Most of the boards have been removed from the windows so light in the rooms is fairly good. But the ground floor reception area is still black. Anyway on with the photos.


The School Library - Later used as the set for one of the wards.

The Photographs


[1] - The main school building.


[2] - The 'A&E' Department, a later addition to the school.














[9] - Formally the library then used as a set for one of the wards.












[15] - Work still on the board.



Cheers For Looking :thumb
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Mr Reality Hacker
28DL Full Member
LOL my post was due up from here. Was odd most was gone has workers well on way. Good stuff @GRONK nice pics as-well. We missed the door has it was about 1am lol. Glad to see it still there. Nice post m8ty


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
That chalkboard is class! What does it say at the top about 28dayslater?