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Report - - Glamorgan Colliery Powerhouse, Tonypandy, South Wales - March 2019 | Industrial Sites |

Report - Glamorgan Colliery Powerhouse, Tonypandy, South Wales - March 2019

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The building was constructed in 1905 for Glamorgan Colliery, which became the most profitable in the area soon after before closing in 1045. The power house in now the only surviving building and was given grade 2 listed status in 1991 due as a rare, mostly complete survivor of an engine house on a large scale. A redevelopment project failed in 2007 and the building continues to decay with many holes in the roof and damaged brickwork, making a possible restoration time consuming and expensive.

The Explore
Although the building is pretty bare inside, I really liked the gantry crane and industrial architecture. The interior was a pain to photograph as it had rained heavily that morning and there was a huge hole taking up around 1/6th of the roof.


Old postcard of the colliery with the power house half shown on the right


Here's an old photo of the interior from a book


Old photo when the building was in better condition, from British Listed Buildings

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The building today

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The fine gantry crane was built by J. Booth & Bros Ltd, Rodley, Leeds

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Thanks for looking

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