Sawtry GPSS (Government Pipeline and Storage System) site. The Government Pipeline and Storage System (GPSS) was established to provide a secure oil distribution network for the United Kingdom at the beginning of World War Two in 1939. Over a period of years the pipeline route has been extended and amended, certain sections renewed and relaid or diverted until it now covers approximately 2,500 km of pipe and associated storage depots, pumping stations and other sites.
Photos Are with my Nikon D3200. The explore was an absolute kick in the balls compared to the rest of the day. it is now sealed tight and covered in those bloody blue bastards.
It flashed but didnt make a sound if whoever you are and do moniter them then please find a better job. Cheers for viewing
Sawtry GPSS (Government Pipeline and Storage System) site. The Government Pipeline and Storage System (GPSS) was established to provide a secure oil distribution network for the United Kingdom at the beginning of World War Two in 1939. Over a period of years the pipeline route has been extended and amended, certain sections renewed and relaid or diverted until it now covers approximately 2,500 km of pipe and associated storage depots, pumping stations and other sites.
Photos Are with my Nikon D3200. The explore was an absolute kick in the balls compared to the rest of the day. it is now sealed tight and covered in those bloody blue bastards.
It flashed but didnt make a sound if whoever you are and do moniter them then please find a better job. Cheers for viewing