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Report - - Green Hotel, Hungary, June 2024 | European and International Sites |

Report - Green Hotel, Hungary, June 2024

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28DL Regular User
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Another one from our June trip to Hungary. The trip was supposed to be industrial, but we didn't have enough time and industrial locations, so it became hotels-and-morgues trip. Not that I was complaining. This place is in a city next to lake Balaton. I have no idea when it was built or when it became abandoned and I couldn't find anything on the internet, so no history to write about. The explore was an interesting one though. It was 32 degrees in shade, and it was our third or fourth location of the day, so we were pretty hammered. To complicate things, the hotel was right next to a busy crossroad. Even worse, it had a church right in front of our entry, and there was a wedding going on. Our only way to get inside was right in front of the church, and involved a rusted fence and barbed wire. We made it inside though. A nice hotel in a pretty good shape. There were two large buildings and a couple of utility buildings which we didn't check. The first one had nice green chairs and some bedrooms, the second one had the dining room, which was definitely the highlight. Overall, worth it - a short stop, we spent around an hour inside.

The dining room in the second building



A staff bathroom in the same building


The common space in the first building



The bedrooms in the first building




Thanks for reading!

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Thats pretty wild. love the old lights. Its strange how it looks like everyones just walked out lol