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Report - - Grey lady pub and hotel, Derbyshire, October 2020 | Leisure Sites |

Report - Grey lady pub and hotel, Derbyshire, October 2020

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
The history

Grey lady pub and hotel is a grade 2 listed building, built in the late 18th century and was listed in 1967. It's been vacant since 2008 and stood how it is ever since. There has been several plans to turn this place into new homes but sadly nothing has happened to it.

The explore

I was with 2 non members but only me went in the building. I wasn't sure what to make of this building and i never knew it was a pub and hotel until recently.
It felt very unsafe in there just with how the ceiling looked so i'm sorry for the lack of pictures that i've seen other people has got from here.
If i go there again i'll see if im feeling brave and get some pictures from the parts that im missing.

Here's the front


and here's a pic from off some stairs around the back


where i popped in there was this cabinet thing with stuff left on


upon looking to the left there's this room, i assumed it was a dance floor thing


looking around there's some cool lights in here



i walked into a back room and saw a safe


walking around more i went into what i assume is a old cellar, there was some cool bits in there still




i did go up the stairs but never moved from the top as i thought the floor wouldn't hold my weight, im sorry about that but here's the pics that i got




thanks for looking


Teim scoobs
28DL Full Member
Most are but a lot are frustrated owners/developers the worst of which do damage before things get listed or protected such as killing off rare wildlife or damaging things like antique clocks which would othrrwise get a place listed or protected and prevent them from development.

Someone I know locally here owned a field that had an old target practice wall in it and the council applied for protection on it which would have made it worthless for selling as a development plot, before or rather just as it was getting protected status he went out late one night and knocked it down with a jcb. He then got to sell the land at a premium and it now has a load of houses on it.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member

i went last month, there is another floor above the one you didnt go in, of you thought the first floor was bad that ones even worse lol still was ok to walk on though

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