Groverake Fluorspar Mine, Rookhope, July 2014
“Groverake mine was worked in the early years by the Beaumont company from about 1819 up until 1883, thereafter the Weardale Lead Company continued working the seams for some 33 years or so before the mine eventually ended up being worked for Fluorspar by British Steel - officially until 1983. The mine passed through several independent companies, including SamUK until its permanent closure in 1998.â€
A site with a ‘bit of everything’ to appeal to explorers, underground / high stuff / buildings and a beautiful scenic location too. According to Dave, the site has gone a lot downhill since his visit from years back, but as with a lot of the sites we visit… time, natural decay and visits from the metal fairies all contribute to this. Evidence here would also point to ‘passing sheep’ to be part of that contribution too! I’m used to walking through pigeon crap, but sheep poop was a first for me!
Even though very stripped, the location alone makes this site a lovely little wander… especially when you’re in great company. Visited with Dave and Sed one rainy weekend. Cheers guys.
View into site
First (shorter) drift
sign outside drift
Shaft building lift
Lockers and paperwork
Winder house
Second drift
L-R, Catbalou, Dave, Sed.
Winding tower
Winding wheels
View from the top of the tower, and Dave and Sed checking out the second shaft and lift below
Even though very stripped, the location alone makes this site a lovely little wander… especially when you’re in great company. Visited with Dave and Sed one rainy weekend. Cheers guys.
View into site
First (shorter) drift
sign outside drift
Shaft building lift
Lockers and paperwork
Winder house
Second drift
L-R, Catbalou, Dave, Sed.
Winding tower
Winding wheels
View from the top of the tower, and Dave and Sed checking out the second shaft and lift below
All in all, despite its decline.... it still is a great little site
